
We are

We are dedicated to upholding the highest technical standards, ensuring reliability, and fostering loyalty.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

Our ambitious goal is to enhance your competitive advantage for the long term.


Our maxim:
digital success

We provide expert consultation on IT projects and develop bespoke software solutions in close collaboration with you.

Our primary focus is on the design and implementation of user-friendly, internet-based systems that streamline your daily operations.
The technologies we employ are designed to ensure maximum protection of your investment.
Long-term success hinges on the confidential cooperation between partners. At dascom, we uphold the highest technical standards, ensuring reliability and loyalty towards our partners.

Customer satisfaction is our paramount priority.

Our Clients

Since 1999, dascom has been developing and distributing cutting-edge IT solutions. Since then, dascom has served both medium-sized enterprises and internationally active companies. We are pleased to provide further references upon request, particularly in the area of software development.


Synthomer is an international chemical industry company, specializing in synthetic latex. In a total of 35 locations, among others in United States, Germany, Italy, Dubai and Malaysia roughly 4.900 employees produce and distribute latex and other polymer in emulsion. The place of business is London, Great Britain, the annual turnover in 2018 was almost 1.62 billion GBP.

kp Industry

Kloeckner Pentaplast GmbH, located in Montabaur and it's affiliated company Kloeckner Pentaplast of America, Inc., which is one of the largest manufacturers of printed and refined plastic foil for packaging of pharmaceuticals, medicinal devices, food, electronics and general deep-drawing film and is the market leader in Europe and the USA. In 2012/2013 the Group generated turnover of 1.2 billion euros.

dla Piper Consulting

DLA Piper is one of the largest law firms worldwide. By their own account, DLA Piper achieved profits of 2.44 billion dollars in 2012. By their own account, the law firm employs more than 4,200 lawyers in Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the USA, and currently has 78 offices in 31 countries.

Fondium Industry

partner for sophisticated and innovative nodular cast iron components in the automotive and off-highway sectors.

ECCO Shoes Textile

The ECCO Group, led by ECCO Sko A/S, located in Denmark, is one of the worldwide largest producers of shoes and one of the largest worldwide shoe sales enterprises. It is active in all segments of the shoe market and one of the world market leaders in sport shoes.

Magnaflux Industry

Magnaflux (a division of ITW Ltd) is a global manufacturer of equipment and consumables for non-destructive materials testing. Magnaflux products are internationally recognised for the inspection of cracks, open surface damage and surface defects. Our main markets include: Aerospace, automotive, energy, food and beverage, general manufacturing, marine, offshore, oil and gas pipelines and railways.



Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:

dascom IT Consulting GmbH
AG Recklinghausen HRB 9805
Geschäftsführer: Martin Das
Schwalbenstr. 7
45665 Recklinghausen


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